5TH Minor Chakra  http://www.oraclecards.com/chakras.html
The Vishuddha chakra is also known as the nectar and poison center.  Here, the nectar that drips down from Bindu is separated into its pure form and the residual poison, which is discarded.  The pure nectar then nourishes the body, mind, and Soul.  Associated with purification and harmony, bringing into balance all opposites.

Secondary chakras
Back of the body (yang)                                              Front of the body (yin)
The base of the Neck Chakra                                      Base of Throat Chakra
Back of Neck Chakra                                                    The Throat Chakra
The mouth of God Chakra                                                   The Palatine Chakras – Talu or Lalana Chakra

The Base of the Neck Chakra – is located where the neck joins the shoulders, just below the 7th cervical vertebrate. After receiving the rising Yang Chi from the Shoulder blades chakra, the base of the Neck Chakra completes a circuit starting with the Adrenal Chakra below, through its connection to the functional channel via the Base of Throat chakra at the front of the body. This circulates the energy back down through the frontal chakras to the Solar Plexus, then over to the Adrenal chakra, and back up again. Since the Base of Neck chakra is the counterpart to the Base of Throat chakra, together they act as an anchor through the lower chakras in the circuit (Shoulder-Blades/heart, Adrenal/Solar Plexus) receive the soul’s wisdom. As a result of the Chi energy circulation here, the entire circuit is balanced through the central point in the heart, which then serves as a connecting point with the energy channels of the hands, arms, and legs. The Base of Neck chakra connects to the Back of Neck chakra as a point of support for the super conscious connection between the Crown chakra and the physical self. The strength of this connection is based largely on the available chi energy circulating through the system of chakras described above. Thus, the Base of Neck and Base of Throat connection provides the substance through which the higher self can view the reflection of the karmic drop resonating in the Heart chakra.

The Back of the Neck Chakra is located at the middle of the back of the neck, between the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrate. Through its connection with the Base of Neck chakra, this chakra serves as an anchor point between the higher consciousness and the physical body.

Thus, the Back of Neck chakra provides the anchor point through which the Crown chakra attains access to the individual’s pool of choice. It is a passive connection in that Spirit cannot affect the reality due to free choice, but due to position will have direct access to the entire life story, thereby justifying the term “all-knowing”. Essentially, it is the Soul presenting the pool of choice vision to Spirit, and through the Throat chakra in the front represents the Soul’s presentation of Spirit to Ego. Together they represent the voice of the Soul.

Additionally, the Back of Neck chakra connects to the Mouth of God chakra above it. Thus, another circulation of chi energy is operating within these sets of secondary chakras, where the rising yang chi (governor channel) provides the created seed expression to Spirit, and through the descending yin (functional channel) provides the experience of Spirit through the Ego’s ability to interpret the Soul Voice.

From the personal perspective then, the Back of Neck connection provides Ego with access to the Soul body and with Spirit when the attitude is toward ‘seeking’. As a result, the Back of Neck chakra is considered to be a mental center, essentially providing access to the higher mind.         

As the Base of Neck chakra draws a response from this chakra in regards to exposing the amount out-picturing in the individual’s pool of choice, the Back of Neck chakra draws from the Creator the consciousness best appropriate to expose the Ego’s attention towards seeking. This response is significantly affected by the condition of the yang energy in the Governor channel. 

Since the upper three chakras are controlled indirectly through the physical, emotional, and mental desire resonating from the lower three chakras “lower self), the opportunity to positively affect the moment is often significantly diminished. In cases where the lower desire is exceptionally emphasized, the Back of Neck chakra may be compensated to respond to the request from the Base of Neck as a conditioned response or pattern. 

The Mouth of God chakra lies above the first cervical vertebrate. This chakra mediates and draws upwards the Chi energy of the Governor channel via its connection with the Back of Neck chakra, and allows the ascending chi to the Crown chakra. Additionally, it provides a link to the Palatine chakras at the front of the body through its connection with the central brow. (The Palatine Chakras, The Talu or Lalana Centre in Shakta Tantra. In Taoism, it is referred to as the Heavenly Pool. There are three sub-chakras located along the Soft Palate, on the roof of the mouth. These are activated via the tongue acting as a master switch.)

Thus, it works to balance the yang energy of the head centers by attracting the yin energy of the functional channel.  In addition, this chakra creates a direct connection to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head, thus an intimate connection between the 5th and 7th chakras. The Mouth of God chakra draws in the spiritual breath of the Soul, thus its connection with breath and sound.

As our body drew in its first physical breath through the mouth, simultaneously it drew in its first spiritual breath (Soul breath) through the Mouth of God chakra.

Since then, we have continued this process of breathing unimpeded, and without thinking. When you focus on the in-breath of Spirit through the Mouth of God, our intuitive faculty aligns with the process and begins to unfold a path of awakening. This path includes ideas of change that will benefit our evolution as a form of guidance in our lives. Unfortunately, due to personal karma, the change required often appears too great to achieve, and the process is stopped short.

As we continue to work with the replenished Spirit through the breath, the out picture from the Ajna and Crown chakras creates a more cohesive intuitive self, one that can be brought into conversations for entertainment, and in defending the decisions being made. 

The Base of Throat Chakra is located at the top of the breastbone, in the V-like notch at the base of the neck. It supports the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism and physical growth through the production of hormones. In combination with the Base of neck chakra in the ear, this chakra provides the location for the soul impulse to interact with the physical body. And when the desire to know Creator is pronounced, this chakra will often operate through selfless service to others and to the world as a whole.

In a way similar to how the thyroid gland regulates growth in our physical body, the Base of Throat regulates growth in our aura. As events of the moment draw together the karmic drop in the Anahata, the Base of Throat acts on the stuff through a focus on the higher will. This builds the astral body through the Solar Plexus projection. If the higher will has been aligned with the lower will, the aura will be nourished by the combustion of astral energy.

If on the other hand, the lower mind and lower will (3rd chakra) are more active, the Astral body will reflect a picture of karmic patterns that are already in place, thereby forfeiting the opportunity to experience the higher self-presence.

The Throat Chakra is located midway between the heart and the tongue and, with the Back of Neck chakra, is associated with the processing of physical and emotional substances as a form of nourishment.
As the Vishuddha chakra opens, the drop of nectar that gets stored in the Lalana chakra drips down and gets processed. The nectar is extracted and becomes the ‘food of Immortality’, and the poison is released and absorbed into the karmic drop of the moment. Through the use of voice (sound) the poison can be transmuted through the implementation of the higher mind in connection with the higher will (5th chakra).   

The Palatine Chakras – Talu or Lalana Chakra
There are actually three chakras here located along the roof of the mouth (soft palate) that acts in unison to mediate the descending chi energy of the Functional channel. The Lalana chakra is situated slightly behind these and acts as a glandular reservoir for the nectar that drips down from the Bindu chakra. As long as the Vishuddha Chakra remains inactive, this nectar “Ambrosia” then flows down to be burned as fuel in the fire of Manipura. However, when through meditation the Vishuddha chakra is awakened, the drop enters there to be refined and purified, thus becoming the nectar of Immortality.

In other words, the Vishuddha Chakra can be thought of as the location where the poisons – both internal and external – can be transformed and transmuted, bringing forth the bliss of the nectar which is always present with the poison. Poison here is regarded as any disturbance that may be occurring in the body, whether physical, emotional, or mental. Behind every situation that is troublesome, there is an alternative view on that situation which carries with it an advantage of some sort, even if ever so subtle. By always seeking the vision of an event that carries the highest value, our conditioning becomes reprogrammed to that process and the bliss of everyday living then becomes the byproduct. 


Views: 44

Replies to This Discussion

In short, all chakras are interconnected.
And each of them with its specific and very important role.
Thank you for all the explanations.
The one about the poison is very interesting and curious.


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