By Nikki Sapp

The 3-D world is where memory is used to access knowledge. In the 5-D world, intuitive knowing is the way to operate. When you feel increasingly ‘out of time’, its because the 5-D world requires no time. You intuitively stop doing what you think you should or need to do to simply do what feels right, nothing else. As memories fade, innate ability to respond intuitively takes over. Simply trust you know what you need to know every moment. Losing your memory is a pointer. Notice the stigma for losing the mind. In essence, this is empowering. ~Liara Covert

In case you haven’t realized it, the world we know is changing. We as a species are evolving into more advanced versions of our former selves. Although it’s not something you’re likely to hear about on the nightly news, there is much talk in spiritual communities regarding the ‘upgrade’ we as a human collective are going through because of our planetary shift from 3d to 5d.

What has been termed, “the shift of the ages,” and “the golden age” is what is behind the spiritual awakening many humans are experiencing at this time. Those who are on the front lines of this planetary ascension are beginning to realize life is no longer as it was. Reality is no longer what it seemed to be 10 or 20 years ago.

The human perspective is rapidly changing month to month, year to year, for those people who are energetically in tune with this great shift. One of the many symptoms of ascension involves being able to access more of our extrasensory perceptions.

This can manifest in many ways for people. Things like clairaudience (hearing music/sounds from matter or other dimensions), psychic/medium abilities, and being able to see auras or energy are some of the abilities we may be able to tune into as we raise in vibration and frequency.

One extrasensory perception that becomes almost a staple part of our relationship with reality as we begin to reside mostly in the fifth dimension is intuition. As we continue to mature in our consciousness we begin to see that intuition is no longer some random lightbulb moment that happens rarely, but very much becomes a way of life. Intuition actually becomes our primary guidance system.

Living Intuitively

The main reason intuition is so important is this: It is a clear sign that you are connecting with your inner spiritual guidance system. Intuition is a direct signal from your deepest self that you are navigating from your true center. ~Gay Hendricks

Previously you may have thought of intuition as some sort of hocus pocus rationale that only psychics or mediums used in order to contact the “other side.” But for those primarily rooted in 5d, intuitive guidance has taken on a whole new meaning.

As the egoic beliefs and fears of the mind begin to heal and unravel, all that is left is awareness in its place. When a person begins residing in this pure awareness we can also say they are operating from the soul rather than the mind.

When the soul is running the show, you can be rest assured that life gets much easier and effortless. Our path of least resistance begins to present itself because it is no longer being doubted or disbelieved by our ego.

Logical decisions fall away to make way for a much higher consciousness to become our life’s GPS system, which consequently puts us in direct alignment with our soul’s deepest wishes and most fulfilling destiny. Instead of thinking one’s way through life, they begin to feel their way through and this leads said person into the perfect “right place at right time” moments. Synchronicites and miracles become a natural way of life.

How It Works

Make no mistake about it, living intuitively is an ability that must be practiced and strengthened over time. One does not go from being riddled with fear, doubt and skepticism directly into being given intuitive nudges from their higher self and following them easily. Know that it will take some time, practice and getting in touch with inner stillness to cultivate this gift.

An important thing to remember is this: no one person’s intuition works the exact same as the next person’s. Only you will know how your soul communicates with you. The symbols of consciousness for one person will be vastly different for the next person. However, there are some similarities.

Seeing number sequences, having intuitive/premonition dreams, having an instance of ‘just knowing’ something beyond any reasoning, and actually hearing voices or talking with guides are some of the primary ways intuitive guidance will manifest.

The main way our intuition guides us, however, is through our heart and how we feel. This particular way is and will be true for each and every person. The people, places and things meant for us will feel calm, effortless, easy and/or exciting. There will be absolutely no doubt to a decision when intuition is the one guiding.

You may notice that the ego mind will often pretend to be intuition inside your thought patterns and these particular decisions will be full of doubt and indecision. If you are feeling indecisive, the answer is always a ‘no’ or at least a ‘no’ for right now.

Another important thing to remember is that although your intuition may lead you to a person, place or thing, it may not be for the reason you think. The mind will incessantly look for a deeper understanding so that it can predict the outcome of a situation which gives it the illusion of control and safety. However, you may have realized by now things rarely go how we “thought” they would.

However, as faith and trust in our intuition become commonplace, even though things don’t go as we thought they would, we know that the universe knows what it is doing. Nothing happens by accident or for a reason that is NOT beneficial to us. The trick is learning how to find the deeper meaning or lesson in a situation which is something our intuition can help us with as well.

5D living and a powerful intuition

It is safe to say that those who are living in 5d consciously are already very much in tune with their intuitive guidance. The spiritual awakening process has a way of naturally showing us how intuition works and a natural by-product of awakening in higher frequencies is a strong intuition.

You may have even got so good at following your intuition that a strange phenomenon happens in which you no longer can “hear” it. Imagine a soul who is so in alignment with their soul and their destiny that they no longer require intuitive nudges to correct their path.

When feeling good becomes a standard and we no longer fear taking risks to follow our highest joy, you can be assured that you are beginning to live primarily by intuitive guidance. At this point, life becomes amazing, inspired, joyful, and effortless.

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